Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stop Light Causes Fatal Car Accident

A two car crash resulted in the death of a 28 year old man, and left another in critical condition at Springfield Hospital.

The crash occurred last Fri. night, and was a result of a faulty stop light. Henry Higgins, 28, drove his car through the yellow light on the corner of Main and South Street. The opposing light turned green seconds earlier, and Thomas Henry, 32, was also driving through the intersection.

The cars collided, leaving Higgins dead on the scene. Henry was rushed to the hospital, where he suffers head and neck injuries.

Police are investigating why the stop light malfunctioned, but refused to comment until they have further information.


Tips to Prevent Heat Exhaustion
  1. Wear light, loose fitting clothes. Dark, tight clothes trap the heat and don't allow you to cool down.
  2. Avoid sunburn- wear sunscreen and reapply!
  3. Drink plenty of water.
  4. Don't exercise or do strenuous work. If you can't avoid it, try to stay in the shade.
  5. Stay in the air conditioning, or use a fan if possible. Don't stay in a car.

Signs of Heat Exhaustion:
  1. heavy sweating
  2. faintness
  3. weak or rapid pulse
  4. nausea
  5. headache
  6. low-grade fever

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

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Officer Thomas Bradley Arn was killed last Tuesday by a gunshot wound to the head. He was shot by a gunman that opened fire in St. Joseph. Arn was the first officer to respond to the call.

He was a respected member of the police force, serving as an officer for 6 years. He grew up in St. Joseph, and graduated with honors from Pennsylvania State University, where he majored in criminal justice.

Arn was survived by his parents, Thomas Arn Sr. and Theresa McKenna Arn; his wife Andrea, 26, and his 3 year old twin daughters, Megan and Jessica.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 8 a.m.

History of Police Brutality Revealed

St. Joseph was subject to a mass shooting last Tuesday, when an unidentified gunman opened fire into the crowds. Police Officer Thomas Bradly Arn was killed in the line of duty, three other police officers and an off duty firefighter were injured.

The Law Enforcement Center said that the last officer shot in the line of duty was in 1944, and the last officer killed in the line of duty was in 1991.

This was the first mass shooting in St. Joseph.

Officer John Smith was shot in 1944 while pursuing an armed robbery suspect. It was a superficial wound. After making the arrest, he was treated at the local hospital and released after two days.

In 1991, Officer Michael O'Brien was killed in a vehicular accident. He had been chasing a suspect in a stolen car. Both O'Brien and the suspect were pronounced dead at the scene.

St. Joseph has not seen any deaths or serious accidents involving the police force since then.

Funeral Services Held for St. Joseph Police Officer

A viewing for Officer Thomas Bradley Arn will be held at St. Joseph Funeral Home on Main Street this Wednesday at 7 p.m. All friends and relatives are invited to pay their respects.

On Thursday, a funeral service will be held at St. Dominic Catholic Church. Respects can be paid at 7 a.m. - 8 a.m. The service will start at 9 a.m., with the burial after. Friends are invited to join the luncheon at the Police Hall following the burial.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Henry Lane:
  1. Supports year long school schedule
  2. Wants to decrease crowding in schools
  3. Opposed to the use of trailers for classrooms

Elton Fay:
  1. Board President
  2. Supports additional construction/building
  3. year-round schooling "isn't practical"
  4. Does not support different schedules for students

Kerry Corino:
  1. Incumbent
  2. Argues that it's unfair to try to decrease class size right now

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Statistics of injuries endured by high school athletes, varied by sport.

Injured Teen Raises Awareness

Pete Stenhoff, a former football star at Chula Vista High School, is spending his practice time with little league teams now, teaching them the importance of safety in athletics.

Stenhoff was confined to a wheelchair for life after cracking vertebrae in his spine during a football game. He is among 20,000 other high school football players who are injured each year.

To help lower these statistics, Stenhoff has dedicated his time to teaching preventative strategies.

"By teaching kids right when they start playing football, they have a better chance at staying safe later in the game," Stenhoff explained. "And they can develop good safety habits."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Michael Jordan Gatorade ad, found on Google images.